Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why Poipet? Part 1: We have a partner in Poipet.

Why Poipet?  This is a question that is either asked or implied when I say I'm going to Cambodia.  I think its a legitimate question and I also think its human nature to question and wonder about motivation.  I do it so I imagine that others must do it also.

We have a partner in Poipet.
I first learned about Cambodia Hope Organization at a banquet at Northshore Baptist Church.   At this banquet I learned about a group of women, called "Women of Purpose" now called "Frontline for Justice" who are passionate about fighting Human Trafficking.  In partnership with World Concern they set out to build Save Haven with an ambitious 5 year plan to buy property and build.  Chomno In came and spoke and showed us the work in Cambodia.  A funny thing happened at the banquet.  I heard most of what Chomno said but I had to work at it for he speaks softly.  Chomno's humility, his quiet demeanor, the soft spoken words telling his story, speaking often of the overwhelming need and that all we can do is pray.  This was speaking to my heart more than my mind, it seemed odd and perfect at the same time that God would use a man like this for something as big as this. 

I made a donation and felt like maybe I was called to more?  But it was run, on our side, by a bunch of women! Probably not for me.  Little did I know.

Our partnership with Chomno and CHO has grown, the ministry has grown.  CHO has planted 45 Churches along the Cambodia-Thailand Border, CHO supports over 300 AIDS HIV patients, Safe Haven is up and operational as a refuge for the victims of Human Trafficking, another 10 Hectors of land has been purchased, CHO is building and supporting village Schools, helping provide clean water, agriculture.  Many organizations from around the world have joined. I could go on and on.  You can read more about CHO from their website HERE

Frontline for Justice has also grown and is no longer only for the girls.  A quality organization with compassionate leadership.  You can learn more about FFJ HERE.

Partnership in missions is important. This isn't just a theory it is the necessary ingredient for lasting results.  The apostle Paul was a Church planter to be sure but he always started at the local synagogue and looked for locals that he could begin with.  He knew that they would ultimately carry on when he left.  We see this as the model in our guide book; its called the Book of Acts.

We have a wonderful partner and a rich history with Cambodia Hope Organization.  We know them and have watched them grow; they are faithful, they are fruitful and WE LOVE THEM.

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